Champagne vs. Sparkling Wine

After visiting the champagne cellars at Mumm, I was blown away at how different the champagne process is from the normal wine fermentation process. The grapes are picked and squeezed and initially fermented (and all that jazz), but then the juice goes through two more fermentations. After the second fermentation (yes, most wine goes through […]

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Paris to Reims at 310kph

Took the speedy train to Reims today.Very high tech, there’s wifi and you can see the progress of the train from your phone. Fancy. Reims is home to a lovely cathedral (Notre Dame) that was used for generations of Frank kings for their coronation, including Charles VII (if I remember correctly) who was escorted here […]

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Liz’s Deep Thoughts on Paris.

-Heels are a must (on bike, pushing stroller, whatever)!-M.C. Hammer pants never went away here – it’s awesome.-Never pass up a free bathroom.-The metro is scary and wonderful.-Eiffel Tower keychains are 4/one euro.-Beer is expensive and wine is cheap.-The Montmartre neighborhood has great pizza.-Crepes rock…

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What holds it together?

We’ve only scratched the surface of Europe (three countries) but already we’re amazed at how distinct each country still is today. When you think about the pressures that are on countries to assimilate just by nature of proximity, and the sheer amount of time… I mean we’re talking thousands of years. I can see the […]

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Ruminations on Bruges

Put simply, Rick Steves was right about Bruges. We borrowed his guidebook from our Amsterdam hotel one morning, and he said it was a tourist hotspot.  However, once the daytrippers leave after the early-bird special dinner, the town’s character changes. If you’ve ever been in a port town when a Carnival Cruise docks for the […]

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Ah ah ah, en francais!

Officially in France, using WiFi from McDonald’s at the Lille train station. TGV for Paris leaves in 20 minutes, but we had enough time to walk around the city to realize nothing is open on Sundays. The unholy marriage of the church and unions. I like the fact that I can understand a small percentage […]

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Not driving

I’ll be very concise. Liz and I were in no shape to drive…. In Bruges. Needless to say, we didn’t. It’s a pretty tiny town with the perfect Brasserie to cathedral ratio of 80:1. Picture:  On the near left, a local favorite of Stella + Grenadine (4%), on the right a local Bruges Trippel (8.8%), […]

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Cycling on the dike

(note: this is a recount of events on July 1, before we headed for Bruges, despite the specified date) (disclaimer: all of these blog entries are being written on my phone, so please bear with any grammatical mistakes) Took out our rented bikes for a little longer ride to countryside north of Amsterdam.  That meant […]

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