Sunshine Day

This day out in Snæfellsjökull National Park was glorious. 22 hours of magnificent sunshine. One of the all-time great days. We’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves. And then the hammer came down. The next day it rained and the wind blew like nobody’s business. It kept us inside for most of the day. […]

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Glymur of Hope

A quick stop at a nice little waterfall and hiking area, just to warm up the legs and try out the efficacy of the rain gear. Of course, it stopped raining as soon as we got all dudded out but that’s to be expected and part of the trickstery weather deities in Iceland. But on […]

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A Tale of Two Pictures

On your big travel days, you’ve got to make the best of a lousy situation. You didn’t sleep at all the night before, it’s virtually 4am as you try to adjust to the new time zone, and oh what you wouldn’t give for your own bed right now for just a few hours! Sometimes that […]

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Midtsommer Madness

A quick post to officially mark the start of the Bliz 2017 Solstice Spectacular trip. The plans are to visit Iceland and Norway over the next three weeks and never encounter a dark sky once. It was ten years ago this week that Liz and Ben (later dubbed Bliz) visited Norway for the first time, […]

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I Will Not Have It

On this day, that is made cold and hard With my cracking joints and dimming eyes I will not have it. You, with your wandering gaze, your anxious amble My campy, cinnamon antagonists Hightail it out of here! Likewise to you, blunt encroacher, surgical striker My rumbling, chocolate beast Steer clear! For I am bound […]

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An ethereal ‘V’ lingers in a stone gray sky, A sky that betrays daylight to dusk, ever earlier, As our evenings, compressed by old habits and new responsibilities, Fall into routine. Windows, closed and muffling the songs of our community, Long to be cast open at the first sign of that last, lovely, autumn afternoon. Now the […]

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Any Given Sunday

These pictures are a few selections from our fatbike beach ride today along Lake Michigan. These bikes are built (I guess “purpose built” is the fresh marketing term) for the sand and snow, and this time of year is when we get to enjoy them to the fullest. With most of the seasonal folks long […]

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Blog Moved

Our blog has been moved, but we haven’t lately. We’ve been fattening up and miss biking greatly. But now the work starts as wintry winds blow, and with weary hearts we will welcome the snow. So shutdowns be damned; must not go on a lark. There are routes to be planned to see National Parks. […]

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Welcome to the new blog location. We changed over because the Blogger/Blogspot platform was starting to feel a bit archaic. Thanks for dropping by!

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October Shop

(Continuing in our unofficial series of not-exactly-travel-but-kinda-related-to-bikes-off-season-posts): The early afternoon light is warmer than expected. Sunlight beams in through the large bank of windows, and even the dark niches are illuminated without the help of bulbs and switches. Shop radios, muddled by a pleasant crossing breeze, uphold the illusion of activity. A few tasks to […]

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