Anti-Polka Dot Jersey

Hills. Hills. Hills. Ever since I began my life as a “serious” biker (a road biker), hills have always put fear into my heart. On group rides, I often get dropped on hills and on solo rides, I jump immediately into my small ring. I would rather be surprised by a hill and not see […]

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Hot Monday

I’m typing this from beautiful site #223 at Governor Dodge State Park. We have our half of the campground to ourselves, except for one lonely raccoon in the middle of the night who looked longingly at our bags of food dangling, tantalizing him, suspended off the ground from a tree. We didn’t make it to […]

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On the road… or trail… again.

Last night Liz and I joined the celebration of the end of one trip of our Norwegian friends, and prepared for the beginning of our own this morning. Unfortunately for us, often the things one does at the end of a trip (drink, stay up late, etc) are not the things one does at the […]

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Test Ride

We loaded up the bikes today and took them on a very, very, very short test ride (~2 miles). Liz is dealing with front bags for the first time and Ben has a little “shimmy” in the front due to uneven bag weights, but overall it went pretty well (knocking on wood…).

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State Park #1

It looks like Governor Dodge State Park will be our first destination for the “Bliz State Park Bike Tour 2012.” We hope to arrive early on Sunday in order to explore the park and maybe take a dip in one of these…

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Change in Plans

Well…we attempted to put the bikes in boxes today as a test run for the train.  Ben’s bike barely fit – with NO room for bags in the box. Looks like we will leave from Madison instead.  Ben is in the process of putting together an awesome route for us…more to come later.

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Here We Go Again!

The bikers will be staying a bit closer to home this summer and they will actually be on bikes!  We purchased a few Amtrak tickets to the Twin Cities last week.  We will leave from Milwaukee on July 24th with our touring bikes in boxes and Ben will put them together in Minneapolis (in a […]

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Thank you’s

It takes a lot for a trip like this to happen, so there are a few people we want to thank:Alex and Kyle, for taking great care of our house and our aging, quirky dogs. We knew they were in great hands and could not have done this trip without you. Ed and Linda (Liz’s […]

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Home Safe

Home safe a few days ago, officially.  We’re getting back into our summer routine now and have a bit of time to catch up.  We still have some things to write about so this won’t be the last post on the blog.We will have links to our Picasa-driven pictures site soon. There are plenty of […]

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Amsterdam (reprise)

Our epic 72 hour trek home started yesterday when we took the ferry from Hydra back to Athens. A great final meal with our friends and this morning we were up bright and early to catch a flight back to Amsterdam. Tomorrow we take our long-haul through Dublin to Chicago, where a combination of bus, […]

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