Epic day at an end

By 9:45 am we had already gone from Strasbourg to the Mona Lisa. No lines to speak of at the Louvre, which is a big difference from the 2 he wait a few days ago. Our gamble paid off.

It really doesn’t need to be said but the Louvre is pretty much the best deal in the world as far as art museums go. Better than I remembered, bigger than I remembered.  Liz had a great time too.

Then we said our goodbyes to Paris, leaving from yet another different train station (our third in Paris); this time headed to Grenoble via Lyon. Our nerves were frayed a bit when they announced that we were experiencing mechanical difficulties and we had to resort to “traditional” propulsion instead of the fancy TGV.  Trains are great in that the degrade gracefully – far superior to how an airplane degrades, in my opinion. Anyway, we were going to be 20 minutes late and our connection time in Lyon was…. wait for it…. 20 minutes. A mad dash off the train only to find that our connecting train was late too so all that worrying for nothing.

So we’ve arrived here in Grenoble, amidst the Alps, we suspect. Won’t know until it gets light in the morning.

3 thoughts on “Epic day at an end

  1. What’s that broad with you drinking on that bench? And where’s the other biker?

    Are you enjoying better weather than the Tour riders? Worn out any shoes yet?

    Envious of the Louvre visit, that’s one on my bucket list.

    We’ll be missing you on the Team M rides again.

  2. Hi there!

    It looks like you guys are having an AMAZING trip! I’m jealous of all the cool places you have been and are going! Just wanted to let you know that everything is going well here and the dogs are great! We had our first big thunderstorm (well since I’ve been back) last night and the dogs made it through pretty well. Just wanted to give you a little update and hope the rest of your travels go smoothly and are a ton of fun!


  3. Thanks for the update Alex! Every dog that I see here makes me think of the little guys :-). Internet has been pretty reliable here lately, so feel free to e-mail us anytime (liz.Jesse@gmail.com) to tell us about the crazy mutts. Do you have a summer e-mail address – I forgot to ask tour mom.

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