Paris to Reims at 310kph

Took the speedy train to Reims today.Very high tech, there’s wifi and you can see the progress of the train from your phone. Fancy.

Reims is home to a lovely cathedral (Notre Dame) that was used for generations of Frank kings for their coronation, including Charles VII (if I remember correctly) who was escorted here by Joan of Arc. Paris has its own Notre Dame (more famous) but the contrast between Reims and Paris could not be more stark. Let’s rewind a bit…

Notre Dame de Paris, it’s an impressive sight. Lots of people think so apparently, because it was crazy-busy. There were lines forming for things but you didn’t know what they were for. Nobody did. Inside was chaos, but the cathedral managed to absorb it somehow. There was still a calm and respect shared by the visitors. We left the two tours a bit frazzled and relieved to have successfully tourismed ourselves. That said, we immediately found a park in which to sit and collect our thoughts. Free wifi in the park was a nice touch.

Fast-forward to Reims and its cathedral, we were two of a few dozen people there. The cathedral itself was bombed in both world wars, but it was up to the challenge today. Beautiful stained glass from over five hundred years ago, juxtaposed with modern takes from the 1950’s. Seeing that these buildings are not static behemoths, but dynamic even in the 20th and 21st centuries makes one appreciate the dedication it took to build these monuments. I can’t imagine starting work on a project that even my great, great, great grandchildren would probably never see completed.

Anyway, Reims is a beautiful respite from Paris, which had us almost at our breaking point.  But today we’re back on top and ready for our next adventure.

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